# The URL the site will be built for base_url = "https://maych.in" title = "Chinmay D. Pai" description = "Musings on life, tech, and other interests" # Whether to automatically compile all Sass files in the sass directory compile_sass = true # Whether to build a search index to be used later on by a JavaScript library build_search_index = false # Whether to generate a RSS feed automatically generate_feeds = true feed_filenames = ["atom.xml"] # minify is broken for code blocks, works on the `next` branch # minify_html = true [markdown] external_links_no_follow = true external_links_no_referrer = true # When set to "true", all code blocks are highlighted. highlight_code = true highlight_theme = "ayu-dark" smart_punctuation = true [extra] navigation = [ {name = "Blog", url = "/blog"}, ] keywords = "zola, blog, technology, life, linux" [link_checker] # Skip anchor checking for external URLs that start with these prefixes skip_anchor_prefixes = [ "https://github.com/", ] [extra.author] name = "Chinmay D. Pai" [extra.author.telegram] link = "https://t.me/thunderbottom" username = "thunderbottom"